Today of All Days

Categories: Parsha, V'Zot HaBerachah

Art by Sefira Lightstone


Well, we have something this year that we haven’t experienced in some time. This year, Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbat. In fact, strangely, while it is by no means a typical Shabbat; no meal, not much rest, and missing almost all of the usual items that come along with Shabbat, it is referred to as “Shabbat Shabbaton,” the Shabbat of Shabbats. How is that the case? Because Shabbat, despite those wonderful and enjoyable activities, is about being above it all. It is a day of rest and a day to detach, to a certain degree, from this physical world. Of course, the overall objective is to take that spirituality, that aloofness, that detachment and infuse it back into the following six days, but the day itself is a standalone, holy day. And so Yom Kippur, when combined with Shabbat, has a double portion of this. Not only do we not work, but we don’t even do things as mundane as eating or drinking. We are compared to angels on this day. So let us make the most of it. Let us take this most special Shabbat, this Day of Atonement, to commit to righting any wrongs we may have committed, whether towards G-d, or our fellow man, and may the merit of this special Shabbat of all Shabbats bring about goodness, kindness, health and happiness for the week, and the entire year to come. Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach, and may we all have an easy fast and a meaningful Yom Kippur!

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