Time to Go

Categories: Friendship Circle


This week’s Parsha, Vayeilech, nears the end of the journey of the Torah. (Next week is the final Parsha, read before Simchat Torah.) It begins the end, if you will, the final song before Moses leaves this world. We find something so telling in the Parsha’s name: Vayeilech means, “And he went.” Wait, Moses is still going? He’s in his final days, shouldn’t he take a moment to pause, appreciate his accomplishments, and just be still? But Moses is showing us something powerful, something appropriate for this time of year, and for life overall. Go. Keep going. When you’re ready to pack it in, go a little further. Moses would have been totally justified in throwing in the towel and enjoying a drink to celebrate, but instead he maximizes his time here on earth. Every last minute. And that’s a message for all of us, especially at this point of the year. We are just beginning! We are off to a new start! Today is our day, as Dr. Seuss famously said, and we have the responsibility to make the most of it. Every day presents new opportunities and challenges, completely separate from what came before. So, let us keep that in mind during these holy days; if we utilize each day to its fullest, we will help ensure that we will each be inscribed and sealed for a happy and healthy year. G’mar Chatima Tova. Good Shabbos!

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