The Adams Family TV Series

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Addams family TV series: Ok so we’re to begin? This show only lasted 2 seasons and is in black and white, but saying that ill admit I really love this show and that’s saying something because I don’t usually like black and white shows or films…..but still it really is a Funny show…trust me when I say this u will laugh a lot when watching this show…granted some of the humor is outdated….maybe some can be offensive to some people…depending on who can handle what…..what’s funny about this show is the normal stuff they find to be odd yet the stuff normal people find odd…is what the Addams family find to be normal….I do highly recommend this show its on Amazon prime and available for free if u have prime access……its in deed a classic show …good to watch during October…I give this show a solid 9.6/10



Addams family: so I don’t really remember this film but from what I remember….uncle fester has memory loss and a woman takes him in and makes him believe she is his mother and wants him to go into Addams family home and get  Acquainted with them… she can sneak in and rob them….that’s all I remember…but of course there’s comedy in this film from what I remember….hard to say but ill give this film a 7/10…mainly because I forget alot about this film




Addams family values: so I remember w bit more of this film….a woman starts dating uncle fester and she is just using him to rob the Addams family then kill them….see its because she’s spoiled and apparently she killed her own parents a while back because she didn’t get what she wanted…oh joy…..oh and there’s a baby in this film…I forget who’s baby …but he’s a Addams…and let’s just say there quite a bit of cartoonishy hijinks with that baby..and there a side plot where Wednesday and pugsley go to school and join a play…..and let’s just say the play doesn’t go well because u know there the Addams kids…of course nothing is gonna go well…so ill give this film a 8/10…I did find it funny from what I remember…




Addams family animated version: ok i despise this film…for one there a few pop culture references in this film…and for some reason the other side human characters model designs look hideous compared to the Addams family…makes no sense …it should be the opposite around….and well the plot of this film is a house designer woman is disgusted by the Addams family haunted house and tries to demolish the house including the Addams family because they’re odd and odd isn’t normal to humans….dear lord…why of course that’s the plot…sigh…and well Wednesday becomes friends with well the house designer daughter…and well they both become rebellious to their parents…Wednesday comes back home wearing pink hair pin…and her parents hate anything with color……..and the other girl dresses in all black and pissess her mother off by dressing like that…hm…..and there a B plot of the film where pugsly has to do some ritual to become a true Addams…in front off every Addams relatives…and he feels under pressure 

….because his dad is somewhat putting him under pressure……so anyways the film ends with the whole town turning against the designer lady and she gets fired from her job…and sigh…for some reason her and uncle fester start dating…oh yeah because they have so much in common  ….oh brother …anyway I give this film a 5/10…Sadly there making a second film that’s due to come out out October if next year 

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