Star Wars the Original Trilogy Movie Review

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope: ok so this film starts off with the Tantive I’ve…..being attack by a star destroyer…..and then we see stormtroopers boarding the ship and attacking and killing the rebels on the ship…while this happens….Princess Leia (played by the late Carrie Fisher) puts secret death star plans into R2D2…..and then R2D2 and C3PO get into an escape pod and land on planet of Tatooine….while that happens Darth Vader boards the ship and well makes Princess Leia his prisoner…and oh yeah all the rebellion on that ship have been killed… anyways both droids land on tatooine….they separate from each other because they get into an argument…..R2D2 is rambling on about secret mission and plans…and C3PO have no idea what he’s talking about….long story short they get captured by small creatures called Jawas…..and next day they get sold to Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill) and his family uncle Owen and Aunt Barrew….I believe that’s how u spell her name….oh well…so anyways that day R2D2 shows luke the secret message princess Leia put into him…its of her saying help me Obi-Wan kenobi ur my only hope….BTW that line there spawned hundreds of memes on the internet and in the star wars fanbase….so later that night R2D2…escapes…next day Luke and 3PO….go look for D2….if ur wondering why I’m not saying there full names…its because thats gets tiring to type up….so anyway…..they go loon for D2…and they bump into Tuskin Raiders….or the sand people…..they are a bit dangerous… anyways Obi-Wan comes and saves luke…or as he’s known no is old Ben kenobi…oh pfff nice disguise Obi-Wan…..let me see ….u wanted to hide from the empire, including ur ex apprentice….Darth Vader….and ur brilliant plan to hide is um living on the home planet Anakin was born on and well keep ur jedi robes and only change ur first name…..literally he didn’t even change his last name…..also I think 2 and 2 can be put together i men’s come on…Obi-Wan kenobi….Old Ben kenobi… nope I sure as heck don’t see a resemblance…sigh….ok to skip a bit….D2 shows the full message to Obi-Wan…and she wanted him to take this death star plans to her home planet Alderian…..where her dad is…oh and he gives Luke Skywalker….Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber……he want sluice to take him to alderian…but he can’t because he has to stay….long story short…he goes back home and sees his house smoking and thr burnt remains of his uncle and aunt who are burned down there skeletons…..meant for all ages including the young kids…couldn’t u just tell……anyway they now head to Mos Eisley….as Obi-Wan says u will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany……God i like this movie and its quotes… anyways they go down there  .nd they try to enter a bar and the bar tender says…hey we don’t serve there kind here….ur droids they’ll have to wait outside…..keep this in mind because in Mandalorian season 1 we see this bar being runned by a droid…ain’t that just a coincidence……so anyway here we get a brutal scene…..some criminal and his partner get into a fight with luke for no reason…and Obi-Wan uses his Lightsaber and cuts the guys arm off and we see the severed arm on the floor with blood on the floor and around the arm……rated PG?….really…….so anyways they meet Han Solo (played by Harrison Ford)….fun fact he was somehow tied of playing Han Solo after this film he wanted George Lucas to kill his character off in empire strikes back….don’t ask me why…I don’t know why….ao he tells them to meet him at his ship the  Millennium Falcon…in 20 min….during this time…he bumps into a bounty hunter named Greedo…and the long debated Han shot first …scene happens….I saw long debated because this scene was altered with a few times by George Lucas…heck the whole original trilogy has been edited multiple times…don’t ask me why…….so anyways they escape from stormtroopers that are shooting at them and they fly off to alderian….long story short …..vader and Grand Moff Tarkin use the death star wars blow up alderian…so now alderian is a pile of rocks…….also they get trapped in the death star….they go save Leia….and Obi-Wan goes and faces vader…because such a smart move….BTW this fight scene is laughable…..the fight sequence is bad…it just looks like 2 geriatric old men with arthritis, swinging there canes…here check it out and tell me u don’t see what I just described?

Oh I forget to mention a scene happens before this….where stormtroopers come into a room and one stormtrooper head bumps his head into the door…and George Lucas decided to keep that in the film and just added a sound effect to that scene…here’s the clip tell me if u notice it….its so bizarre that they kept that scene in

Also, the stormtroopers suck….they can’t ever aim worth a damn… seriously they never hut there target…..heck there one scene where Han runs into a room filled with hundreds of stormtroopers and none of then is able to shoot him yet they all are shooting towards him…the hell… anyways….Darth Vader kills Obi-Wan. ….Obi-Wan body vanishes…..blah blah…skipping a bit…..thr good guys get to Yavin 4….which is the home planet of the rebellion….they shoe the secret death star plans…and that there is a small hole built in it that if u shoot missiles into it….it will blow up the whole station…..see back then I was like ok why would they add that…but rogue one explains it that Galen Erso…Jyn Erso father built that there by purpose so the rebellion has a way to blow up the death star….small enough for missiles to enter it and small enough for the empire to not notice the hole… anyways Han leaves within Chewbacca and his money…..anyway Luke and rebel pilots go destroy death star…….Luke Skywalker is the only surviver and right before vader in his Tie-Fighter is about to shoot Luke….Han Solo comes out of nowhere and saves luke. .here’s the scene…let me know what u think….
So anyways Luke blows up the death star and the day is saved…and at the end of the film princess Leia gives Luke and Han medals …except for Chewbacca…don’t know why…….so overall I really like this film ..but not as much as empire strikes back….im gonna give this film a solid 9/10

Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back: so this movie starts with the empire sending down imperial Probe Droids…..they get sent down to locate the secret rebellion base…….anyways Luke thinks he sees a meteor crash on thr snow planet Hoth…..and he’s riding on his Taun Taun….(think of them like um kangaroos mixed with horses)…so anyways right as he is about to explore the “meteor”…..a Wampa comes out and attacks luke and kills his Taun Taun……if ur wondering what a Wampa is……its like the Yeti….in fact that what George Lucas based this creature on… anyways back to the base….Han Solo is about to leave because he needs to pay Jabba the hut before his bounty on his head catches up to him (meaning jabba has bounty hunters to hunt Han Solo down and kill him)… anyways he tries to go tell Leia he is leaving and he was hoping she would kiss him……blah blah…anyways, Han finds out luke gone missing and goes on a Taun Taun and tries to find his friend… back to luke …..he is in a cave hung upside down…and he uses the force to grab his Lightsaber that’s on the floor…..and he grabs it cuts the ice off his feet…and the Wampa comes towards him and Luke cuts off the Wampas arm…..rated PG?….really!?……so luke gets out of the cave and and falls unconscious….because he’s injured and freezing because there is a heavy snowstorm happening… before he falls unconscious he sees Obi-Wan ghost…and he tells luke to go to three Dagobah system…to find Yoda…..Han finds luke and um then his Taun Taun dies and then he cuts open the Taun Taun stomach and outs luke inside it to keep luke warm…..eww… let’s skip a bit……empire finds secret base….the empire sends down there army which include big weapon called AT-AT…..there big slow moving machines…….so anyways luke gets into a ship and goes out with men and start trying to take down the AT-AT……long story short the rebellion lose, and the empire destroy the rebellion base and shield reactor……oh side note the actor who plays the emperial officer who’s in the AT-AT……that blows up the shield reactor……yeah that actor he also played the villian Donavon in Indiana Jones 3….just thought I’d point that out  …so anyways vader does come down on the planet and goes inside the base and tries to find the Millennium Falcon……but of course Han and Chewbacca and C3PO and Leia escape on the Falcon right as they fly off….so luke flies off with R2D2 to Dagobah….long story short…they crash land on Dagobah…and its a dark eerie foggy swampy vines and tree covered planet….so he bumps into Yoda…and its funny…..he basically acts like a old man who’s trying to go through Luke’s stuff to search for something that would interest him……oh and Yoda ends up taking Luke’s flashlight…which ends up with R2D2 trying to grab it from Yoda and then Yoda grabs his stick and starts hitting R2D2…..🤣🤣🤣🤣…….so anyways back to Han and his group…..there hyperdrive system is having problems…and the empire is chasing them down…..also Han and Leia kiss…..also in this film we see vader talking to a hologram of the emperor….and he tells vader that Luke is vaders son…..dun dunnnnn… a way vader does try saving his son…the emperor tries to get vader to kill his son but we see a sliver of vaders dad side….he well tries to avoid killing his son by telling the emperor how about i try to turn him to the dark side…here’s the scene let me know what u think

So anyways back on Dagobah….luke finds out the small creature he is eating dinner with is master Yoda…and he tries to get Yoda to train him….so yeah he does start training luke…so anyways, luke sense something is not right…and this leads to a scene that um well gave me nightmares as a child…’s the clip enjoy…..but ill try my best to describe it

This scene is um hm…..dark……yeah let me elaborate on that……so this scene is eerie…..the atmosphere is already eerie looking then this eerie music starts playing….then well Yoda tells luke to not take his weapons with him into the cave that Luke goes into…..but luke being luke…he takes his weapons anyways because we all know he ain’t a good listener….ah well what u going to do?..🤪…….hehe sorry trying to lighten the mood…so anyways luke goes into this cave thats completely dark and has vines everywhere in the cave…..and of course there’s eerie music…and luke is walking…and guess what we start hearing foot steps getting close to luke and right around the corner we see vader walking up to luke…in slow motion…thats right the rest of this scene is in slow motion….and luke pulls his Lightsaber out and so does vader…they fight…in slow motion…then luke cuts vaders head off and we see his headless body fall onto the floor…then we see his severed head rolling on the floor…and right as luke looks at the helmet…the helmet explodes…and guess who he sees inside the mask?…he sees his own face looking back at him……yeah thats right this decapitated head of Luke Skywalker…looking at luke…….happy dreaming and a happy near year….Lolo just kidding….but my god this scenes Grimm…..the message is if luke continues down his reckless path he will be turned to the dark side……well…message retrieved…my god… anyway…..back to vader……the real vader……vader is now sending bounty hunters to bring him the Millennium Falcon….and he sends Boba Fett specifically as well…this is first time we see Boba Fett… blah blah….Han and his group head to see his friend  Lando calrissian….who lives in a city called cloud city….its a city up in the clouds… they go there and Boba Fett Is tailing the Millennium Falcon  ….in his own ship called the slave I……its a repainted ship of his dads… he repainted his dads ship …nice and as for his armor…miss repainted rusted dads armor….so anyways they head to cloud city…..Luke gets a vision of his friends dying… he being stubborn decides to leave his training and leaves to go save his friends….even Obi-Wan tries to convince Luke to stay…but no Luke being Luke….he is like ah but my friends they will die gots to go save them, will be back I promise…….so anyways Han and Chewbacca and C3PO and Leia make it to cloud city….they meet Lando calrissian (played by Billie D Williams) and his side partner named Lobot…..yeah its…um a weird name……so to skip a bit Leia is the only one who’s suspicious of Lando….also C3PO goes missing…..but he’s found later by Chewbacca…and C3PO is blown to pieces……he brings C3PO back to there room and they leave him there while Lando takes them to have a little feast with him….and oh boy u gotta see this scene

So anyways Lando is telling them and Han Solo his best friend…that he has made a deal that will keep the empire out of his city forever….(spoiler alert he lied)….he opens the dining room door and there is Darth vader sitting across the table….and he gets up and han decides to try to shoot vader…but vader uses the force to deflect the bullets shooting towards him….he tells them they will be horned if they will sit down with them ..then Boba Fett comes out of back room…and now Lando finally admits they got there before his friends got there..and he had no choice to do what vader told him to do… yeah what a great friend….so anyway vaders plan is to freeze Han Solo in Carbonite to test if it works….so he can then freeze luke in Carbonite to send him to the emperor…. and of course Boba Fett gets to keep Han and take him to Jabba……so anyways Han gets frozen in Carbonite…..before that him and Leia kiss…..and then well luke makes it to cloud city  ……also heres the scene of han getting frozen

Also if ur wondering what convinces Lando to change back to the good side…well first off he’s upset that his beat friend has been frozen then been given to a bounty hunter……then well vader did say that Leia and Chewbacca will be left in the city under Lando supervision…but of course after Han gets frozen….vader alters the deal and tells Lando to take the princess and wookie to his ship….of course that does upset Lando a bit he says thought u said they stay here under my supervision…and here comes my favorite line from vader….”I’m altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further”…. I like that line alot… then Han gets transported to Boba Fett ship….luke goes and faces vader…but I guess u can guess how well this fight goes for luke…think about luke isn’t even trained he only trained for days a week something like that and vader was already the chosen one when he was a jedi and now as a sith lord is more powerful and on top of that he has killed hundreds of people and he has had decades of learning to fight and use the force…yeah um no offense luke but no matter how much confidence u have….ur still fricked….. so Lando frees Leia and Chewbacca…and they go try to save han…..but Boba Fett flies away with Han….and Lando and Leia and Chewbacca and C3PO and R2D2 make it to the Millennium Falcon…….and as for luke and vader…well vader cuts bis sons hand off then tells him he is Luke’s father….which well makes luke unhappy…don’t blame him…..anyway vader is saying to luke u have no way out of this….because luke is standing on a metal beam that’s hovering over a huge bottomless pit…so his options is to jump off or join vader…and without luke even knowing there is a hatch down in the pit…he just jumps…yeah he tried committing suicide…how wonderful… anyways Leia senses luke and she turns the ship around to go save Luke….he is now dangling off a pipe that hanging over the bottom of cloud city… they save luke…vader makes it back to his ship….vader uses the force to try to convince Luke to join him…..and the film ends with luke getting a new hand and Lando and Chewbacca heading to tatooine to find Han…..what my thoughts on this film…I freaking love it….I highly recommend watching this film…I’m gonna give it a solid 10/10

Star Wars Episode VI Return of The Jedi: so the beginning of this film starts off with vader landing in the new death star…yeah how original…first death star gets destroyed and the emperor invests in a second one…this time around the death star isn’t fully built….so there’s a big opening on the side of the death star..might van be entered…that will lead to the core….oh wow….they didn’t even try covering it….great its like there asking for someone to enter it and blow it up…so anyway the emperor is on his way and vader wants to impress his master… anyways then well we see C3PO and R2D2 heading to Jabba palace…and this whole thing at Jabbas palace is a full 30 min so im going to skip through a bit….so luke sent both of them there first to be bargaining gifts….Jabba takes them as one of his own….then Leia disguised as a bounty hunter later brings Chewbacca in handcuffed like she’s bringing him in for a bounty… anyway…..Chewbacca gets put in a cell and we see Lando is already there dressed as a guard……then um well Leia saves han….and Han gets locked up and Leia gets um…..put in a metal bikini and becomes jabbas slave….😑🤦‍♂️…..anyway han can barley see because that’s thr side affects of Carbonite freezing…..its called Carbonite sickness…..oh guess who’s hanging around at tatooine….Boba Fett… anyways luke comes and tries to get back his friends…..he falls and gets sent down into the rancor pit….and long story short he kills thr rancor by pushing a door down onto it……and then of course now luke and bis friends get sentenced to death by being eaten by the Sarlac pit…which apparently takes hundreds of years before ur digested…..ok that’s torture…..ok so anyways….in the most pathetic way possible… u know what its something u need to see to believe…so here u go

🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️…thats the only reaction I feel while watching this scene…..its bad….just why…..anyways moving on before I lose a piece of myself……Leia kills Jabba by chocking him…….and they blow up his ship cruise that there all on and our main character escape…..luke goes back to Dagobah… keep a promise……Yoda dies……he says ur not a jedi master till u kill vader ..and he confirms that vader is Luke’s father……….then after Yoda dies……ghost Obi-Wan visits luke…and luke asks Obi-Wan why he didn’t tell him the truth….he said that Obi-Wan told him that vader betrayed and murdered Luke’s father……and hehehe guess what Obi-Wan defense is ..he says….ur father was seduced by the dark side of the force…he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth…and when that happens the good man that was ur father….was destroyed…so what I told u was true…from a certain point of view…..😑😑….from a certain point of view!!…..thats ur excuse Obi-Wan…..sigh. ..also while this is happening…the emperor lands aboard the death star… back at rebellion ship….they come up with plan…see the death star is located near the planet moon of endor….and on the planet is a system that um puts an energy shield around the death star…so while its activated….no one can get near it… someone has to go down there and disable it… Han and Chewbacca and C3PO and R2D2 and Leia and luke go down there….no I don’t know why C3PO and R2D2 does along…. especially C3PO  ..the most whiniest character I’ve ever seen in star wars….he’s just annoying……so Han gives Lando his ship use during the space battle…..while our main character get into a stolen emperial shuttle they stole… they land on the planet….long story short they bump into a group of small teddy bears called Ewoks…and I hate them….they somehow make the stormtroopers look more incompetent…..later on they fight against the stormtroopers with sticks and rocks and that somehow kills them… whats the point of there armor…does it protect them or anything…..or is there armor made of plastic.    At this point I’d not be surprised…….so anyways back on track…..they mistaken C3PO as a god…why?…I have no idea…….so C3PO tells them the story of the fight against the empire and vader now the ewoks team up with our main characters…..oh joy….and luke is about to head off because he can sense vader is on the planet…before he does….he bumps into Leia…ans oh boy guess what…he tells her….that she is his sister…..ummm….so yes Leia is Luke’s sister…..just ignore them kissing on the lips in empire strikes back…its better to not over-analyze it……so anyways luke goes to a platform that has a bridge, that vader is in…and here’s the scene

So anyway this scenes kinda touching…vader and luke have a talk….

Vader: the emperor has been expecting u

Luke: i know father

Vader: so, u excepted the truth?

Luke: I’ve excepted the truth that u were once Anakin Skywalker my father

Vader: that name, no longer has any meaning for me

See this is basically the first time we’re not seeing vader killing people and being menacing… this scene luke is somewhat getting to vader.  Somewhat…….so vader lights up Luke’s new lightsaber….to see it…..and well….and this is another line I like

Luke: come with me

Vader: Obi-Wan once thought as u do, u don’t know the power of the dark side…I must obey my master

Luke: I will not turn and u will be forced to kill me

Vader: if that is ur destiny

Luke: search ur feelings father,  u can’t do this.  I feel the conflict in u…let go of ur hate

Vader; its to late for me son….the emperor will show u the true nature of the force, he is ur master now.

Luke: then my father is truly dead

Ok this scene gets me a bit…there both trying to get one another join on there sides… anyways….next day….the ewokes and main characters try breaking into shield reactor room……luke gets taken up by vader back to death star….he meets the emperor….and well a space battle starts…’s the full space battle

Also we get a great meme where Admiral Akbar says ITS A TRAP!…..ok so while space battle is happening……against a giant fleet of Tie-Fighters…..and star destroyers……so on the moon of endor……a battle happens against the ewokes and our main characters against huge fleet of stormtroopers and AT-STs . …and then of course if 2 battles weren’t enough….we get a third one…..vader vs luke….here’s that scene as well

So anyways battle happens between vader and luke…its epic……so anyways yeah this whole 3 battles switch between each other…..if ur wondering how the ground battle ends…it ends with the stormtroopers dead and the force field generator being blown up .  And now Lando and his men go head into the death star…..and back to vader vs luke……um vader tries to get luke to use his anger looking in Luke’s mind and seeing that he has a twin sister….and he says to luke…if u won’t turn to the dark side….perhaps she will…which gets luke angry and he uses his anger to fight against vader….so he uses his anger and cuts his father’s hand off… anyways brutal….and the emperor tries to get luke to kill his father…but he refuses to…and which makes the emperor star electricuting luke in front of vader…also vader gets up and stands near the emperor and wastes time and stands they’re while Luke is being killed…..uhhhh……heck even luke begs for his vader to help…and he just standing there looking at his boss then looking at luke then looking back at his boss then back to his son….and then after seeing his some being  Electrocuted even more…….he decides to um go behind his boss and grab his boss and pick him up and toss him into the core reactor…..hahahah…but sadly vader sacrifice himself …he knew if he were to get hit by the lightning he will die because he’s mainly made of robotic parts and limbs….yes he gets shot with electricity…and well here’s the scene

So then luke caries vader to the ship…and vader asks luke to take his mask off so he can see him with his own eyes….so vader knows he dying but he wants to see his son before he dies… luke takes his father’s helmet off first then his helmet…see his helmet is in 2 pieces…always been…….ao vader tells luke he was right about him…and that he already saved him…although luke wants to save his father by bringing him back with him…..and right before Anakin Skywalker dies he says “u were right,  u were right about me….tell ur sister….u were right”…then he smiles to his son and then he closes his eyes and dies…😞….this scene is sad…its not vader dying….no vader died back in the emperor’s throne room…this is Anakin….and he got to see his sons face before he died….here’s the scene

So anyways Lando goes into the death star and blows it up …luke makes it off the death star with his dead father…and the day is saved…..on the planet of endor…luke burns his father’s body ……fully armored still….and well we cut to the air and we see fireworks appearing in the sky…then we see all around the galaxy and every planet is celebrating the end of the empire…including the Gungans on Naboo…’s the whole ending clip

So anyway we cut to endor and we see everyone is celebrating including the ewokes….they are all throwing a party…..our main characters reuniting.  Hugging each other and happy…because the war is over….they won….luke meet up with them and he looks over and see the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda  ..then the ghost of his father appear. ..I have mixed feelings about this  ….its hard to believe that saving his son and killing his boss was enough to cleanse himself of his several decades of slaughtering innocent people….and running an empire…but cool whatever..and the film ends….what my thoughts well its my least favorite of the original trilogy…ill give this film a solid 7/10 its still worth the watch

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