Star Wars Battlefront

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Star wars battlefront 1 2004: so my opinion on this game is mediocre….there is planets on this game that I enjoy playing on that not in battlefront 2 2005…but saying that the controls are a bit wonky (haven’t gotten used to the controls yet) and u can even play as heros or villians…only ur AI teammates can….ok so if ur wondering what the rating for all 4 of these games are….there rated T for teen…which is basically pg-13…..also the type of game play in this type of game is u load into whichever map u want to pick good or bad side and play on ur favorite planets and capture basses to win or eliminate all of ur enemies to win….overall ill give this game a solid 7/10, this game is on Xbox one ans requires Xbox live golf to even be able to play it.

Star wars battlefront 2 2005: ok we now get to my favorite…..ok but first some trivia or fun facts… fact, this game was made in the spam of 10 months thats right 10 months….and keep in mind this game has 28 planets ( 4 of which came in a dlc pack thats only available on Xbox one, and 6 of the other maps are space maps….so in total there is 18 ground maps……22 if u count the 4 that came in the dlc pack)….each level has up to 4 or 3 game modes….1-flag ctf and or 2-flag ctf…..basically its capture the flag….the 2-flag one is difficult, u have to capture enemies flag and prevent them from getting ur flag…..assault (there 2 different assault levels in this game…space assault which is u have to gain 180 points by destroying areas on Ship or destroying enemies….and the other assault is heros vs villains….the only level thats on is on mos eisley……but with the dlc pack u can now play heros vs villains on….coruscant, kashyyyk, Mos Eisley, Mygeeto, Naboo, Rhen Var citadel, Rhen Var harbor….both Rhen Var maps are add on maps from the dlc pack, Yavin arenas (again, map from dlc pack), and lastly Bespin….another dlc map….fun fact that mapfor some reason didn’t come out with this game at launch yet this game takes place throughout all 6 movies…so I don’t understand that…also this game has 9 heros u can play as and 8 villains….granted the dlc pack adds 2 more characters ( Kit Fisto, a light side character, and Assaj Ventress, a dark side character) so in total….with this dlc pack…10 heros and 9 villains….oh and the other game mode i forget to mention is a game mode called hunt….its a mode where u can play as iconic creatures….hunt mode is only avaliable on Endor, Geonoises, Hot, Naboo, Rhen var Harbor and Kashyyyk……on endor u can play as ewokes or stormtroopers….on hoth u can play as Wampas or rebles…(Wampas being that snow creatures that was seen in empire strikes back), on rhen var harbor….same tning…..on Kashyyyk its wookies or droids……on Naboo its droids or gungans…..I hate gungans…..if u don’t know what a gungan is…well Remember jar jar binks…well thats a gungan…now just imagine a whole lot of them….oh boy I get pleasure playing as droids and killing ybose annoying beings…..also this game has alot of details….or references….for example if u go on the planet Dagobah….and u go into the cave….u can faintly hear Darth vader breathing…..Eerie….what else makes it eerie is the cave and that whole planet is filled with fog….on Jabba palace level u can see Jabba the hutt and u can fall into his Rancor pit and the rancor is alive and if u get close to it……it will grab u and kill u by eating u……oh BTW I love that in this game u have to earn the ability to play as heros and villains, u have to gain amount of pints to play as villians or heros…also depending on which map….its set to a specific hero and villain….for example if u play on Genosies u can play as Mac Windo or count Dooku….makes sense they were both there in the film…..if u play on Mustafar (empire game mode) u can play as Obi-Wan kenobi or Anakin Skywalker) again makes sense…because movie…..also if u play on Hoth….u can play as Darth vader or Luke Skywalker….BTW hoth is the only level that allows u to play as Luke Skywalker in a pilot outfit and with his blue Lightsaber…..his default is return of the jedi appearance….also in each level there’s vehicle….I love it….guess what u can ride enemies vehicles as well…again I love this game….I still play it to this day…..also this game has a story mode that takes place during revenge of the sith…where u get to play as the 501st…which are vaders best army….and u get to see those clones point of views of order 66….aka the great jedi purge…..and the story mode ends after first attack on hoth….I don’t know why….also I should warn u there stupid stuff in the story mode, like protect area from enemies for 5 min…🤦‍♂️…yeah those ones suck….especially the level we’re u attack jedi temple and u have to prevent jedi masters from destroying library books for 5 min…and oh yeah ur basically the only one protecting thr books because ur teammates are morons…..ur ai teammates will either toss bombs and it will land back down to them and they will stand there and blow themselves up…🤦‍♂️….oh and BTW for one example once I was playing it there was 1 jedi left and 1 book case left and there was 20 clones shooting at him non of them were able to hit him and the book case got destroyed and I had to replay level again 😑🤦‍♂️….ok and another problem with this game….never play capture the flag by urself on death star….because ut teammates are morons….don’t let ur teammates grab the flag…..they for some reason run with it into the enemies territory thinking thats the quicker way to ur base….sigh……oh and there been an occasion or 2 where ur teammates grabs the flag and has no idea what to do and will just jump off the map….🤦‍♂️…heck one my teammate grabbed the flag and took it to thr wrong base and just stood there hopping something would happen….sigh….so besides small bugs….this game is overall and amazing game….it feels like an authentic star wars game…and the soundtrack is great…..also the main menu of this game shows u footage of the films, some people  might hate that but I dont…..and keep in mind this took them 10 months to make this game…..10 months wow….im shocked… gonna give this game a solid 9.8/10, its avaliable on Xbox one, u will need Xbox one live gold to play it…..also its worth it….the game costs $10 only and takes up 3.3 GB and keep in mind u have 100 GB on this console….so yes definitely worth it….unlike EA battlefront 2 which costs $60 dollars and has more bugs and takes up 80 GB….sigh…oh BTW this game maps are big u can explore alot…..Hoth map might be a little to big ….that map get overwhelming to run to each base to capture…..

Star wars battlefront 1 EA: so im gonna be brutally honest this game is shite…..the only good things about this game is the graphics and the maps are big…..also I enjoy playing as some of the characters…and thats where my praise ends….also I really like the Hoth map in this game…..but thats where now my praise ends…. this game has bugs….like the way u play as heros and villains is by picking up a character coin and have to activate it but due to a bug that never got fixed….sometimes it doesn’t let u access the coin so that’s dumb…..also this game feels lacking in content….no story mode…and there is only 7 maps…..woo-hoo….I guess…😑……game gets a 5/10….had potential but pfff…..

Star wars battlefront 2 EA: oh boy where do I start with this game…..this is it folks the game that had so much controversy…..when this game came out in 2017 it had stupid loot boxes where u had to grind hours and hours online to earn coins to purchase loot crates that randomly give u a character and or weapon….oh and this game had many bugs….not slot of heros oh and Darth Vader and Darth maul and Luke were locked behind a u have to purchase each of them with 30k coins…..sigh… this game was off to a rough start…..and the story mode font get me started on it….there marketing lied….they said in this story mode we get to play as characters on the empire side and see through them and how they feel…..wrong!!…because not even 3 levels into the story mode they change sides…
what!!….u telling me game u couldn’t even do what the developers said was gonna happen….piece of shite…thats what this is…..oh the first dlc pack to come out was last jedi content…that brought us 2 crappy characters Finn and Phasma…..ugh……oh if ur wondering this game takes place throughout all 9 films…..I don’t like the sequel trilogy content… then this game started picking up ….like 5 months later they took away loot crates….finally…..and they announced that there adding solo star wars content…..just no…that was the weakest update we got a new  Millennium Falcon….and the Kessle map and a han solo appearance and Lando appearance…..BTW this game gave us 3 millennium falcons….no idea why….it wasn’t necessary… still isn’t necessary…..then months went by nothing then at the end of 2018 they announced there gonna focus on prequel trilogy….so in November the game added Obi-Wan kenobi…then a month later we got General Grevious…and no I don’t know why they did 1 hero per month when they didn’t do that before…then in January we got count Dooku then in February we got The long awaited Anakin Skywalker….BTW he was broken….he was way to overpowered….and he still is in a way….also we got 1 new map…Geonoises…..and alot of clone appearances….then months pass and they announced their bringing in assassin droids and Droidikas… backup characters…..finally……oh BTW there both fun to play and they each have selectable styles….then a month or 2 after that they announced there adding commando clones into the game…and they did …and it was awesome…..yes he comes with selectable styles…then in November of 2019….they released special addition of the game….and if u purchase that…u get every appearance unlocked for free…just why…I feel bad for people who spends those 2 and half years grinding online for points to get appearances…..and then in December of 2019… we got rise of Skywalker update….GRRRRRR!!!…the only good thing we got from it was sith troopers they have unique weapon……and we got a hooded down appearance for kylo ren…then in February of 2020 they added BB8 and BB9E….and there considered her type characters…I don’t know why….there droids….just how….also just image playing online as vader and u get killed by a soccer ball Droid….yeah that would be embarrassing……also its dumb how u unlock emotes for both those droids u have to play online as each of them and gain some certain high amount of points to unlock emotes… was a challenge…..and pointless…..oh and then in like April they gave us the last update and quite the game…in the last update made no sense it was the scarif update..
Fun fact both EA games ended with the Scarif update…also they said this was original trilogy content update…yet in this update they gave us an appearance for Darth maul and a hooded up appearance for kylo ren and yellow Lightsaber appearance for Rey…just huh…..yeah thats what i needed a hooded up appearance….sigh…oh if ur wondering how u get Darth maul appearance…don’t u have to get 500k XP …by only playing as any villian u want online!!…..500K….JESUS LORD GAME!!!….not worth it…especially when u see the appearance…..its a to put it lightly a Frankenstein of a mess…the legs are from the solo a star wars movie appearance…his body is from star wars rebles appearance…his face is from phantom menace…and bis Lightsaber if from solo a star wars story ..its like they didn’t even try…..why would I want that…sadly I spent 2 weeks doing this and got it….sigh…that was a waste of time and effort…….500k got to be kidding me….and thats how the game ended….oh BTW heres one things all 4 battlefront games have in common they ended after battlefront 2 and no battlefront 3 in sight for any of those…..its like battlefront 3 is a cursed idea…..also the offline maps suck its called arcade and there not alot of maps and the maps are small…..overall hate this game.   4.8/10….blah granted there people who love this game….pffff

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