Sharkboy and Lavagirl: so um this review is of a old movie that is definitely made for kids….so im aiming these 2 reviews to kids and people who like kid films that have stupid stuff in them….trust me both these films have stupid stuff in them….there basically kid superhero movies with bad CGI….especially this film….has the worst CGI…..but thats what makes it so unique and memorable……and kinda works in this movie favor of corny/campy humor type film….also if u grew up watching this film and already recognize this then good news..but for those of u who don’t know this film, then stay basically the plot of this film is this daydreamer named Max….and he has an imaginative dreams….he dreams of a boy named Sharkboy (played by Taylor Lautner) and he’s part boy part Shark…..and then there’s Lavagirl….I forget who plays her….oh well…..oh and Max writes down his dreams in a journal because he forgets his dreams and he wants to remember them…anyway he tells his dream at his school and his classmates make fun of him including the bully named Minus…..because of course every early 2000s kids film needed a Stereotypical bully…..and then there’s his teacher played by George Lopez……odd choice but ok…..anyway a tornado comes out of nowhere and Sharkboy and Lavagirl fly into Max school room …..oh right I forget to mention how depressing this film is kinda….I mean Max family is getting a divorce and he gets picked on at school…and the only joy he has is him daydreaming about Sharkboy and Lavagirl….ok wow Jesus lord that’s a big damper….so anyway they take Max…to his dream world…and oh boy…the CGI looks god awful….it looks like eye vomiting inducing….so anyways we find out the villain is named Mr Electric….beat way I can describe him is a giant head of a up close recording of George Lopez… me its as bizarre as it sounds…..and his plan is to take over people’s minds so they can’t dream anymore (I think I haven’t rewatch this film…im using my memory of this film from when I watched it as a kid)….and also Mr Electric makes electricity puns……I don’t know why but just its fitting for this film…its Really hard to describe how down right bat shite crazy this film is…u have to see it to believe it….its on Netflix, but if u have no interest in watching a kids film…understandable…but yeah this is just a bizarre film….so anyways the middle portion of this film is them Going to different islands……that each are bizarre…..also Taylor Lautner does a rap singing and pop dancing of saying go to sleep….trust me its as bizarre as u think it is…its because they need to get Max to fall asleep so he can dream….yeah…the best way I can describe this film is like it is a lucid dream…its one of those films u barely remember and then one day stumble Upon it and ur thoughts is….oh christ, this was a real thing?…I thought it was a dream I had……so anyways near end of film…they find out the true master mind behind all of this is Minus…..and he’s behind all of this….again this movie is down right bonkers……especially the fight scene between Max and Minus…..I also should point out this is the type of movie that won’t entertain adults…and if u watched this as a kid and haven’t seen it in Amman years…don’t rewatch it….it does not hold up…its one of those things u should just keep as a found memory….oh and to even try to describe how bad the CGI in this film is….well this is the same director who brought us the first 4 spy kids films…yeah remember those?….if not then…good….I don’t either….I watched those once and that’s it….all I remember is CGI…bad!….so anyway back to story….George Lopez character goes to the real world and it turns out Max been dreaming …..he wakes up and is school…..he was knocked out…and the tornado is till heading towards them…and guess who comes out of the storm…Electric….yeah….
We can be heros: so this film just recently came out….on December 25th, and its a somewhat sequel but mainly spinoff of Sharkboy and Lavagirl…..I mean Sharkboy and Lavagirl appear in this film…a quick summary of the plot is Sharkboy and Lavagirl and a group heros they work with…one of heros being played by Pedro Pascal…..get abducted by an alien invasion…and now there kids must team up to free there parents and save the world…so now to get into details somewhat… basically um Sharkboy and Lavagirl work with a superhero organization that’s totally not a ripoff of the avengers…..oh I must point out….Sharkboy in this movie doesn’t talk….at all….I mean he does a growl at the end of the film….well there’s a reason why….its because Sharkboy in this film isn’t played by Taylor Lautner……he didn’t want to reprise his role….so they had to replace him….I mean I didn’t mind it but they made his character a mute….so that was dumb…..also he in this film wears a batman like mask with a shark Fin on the top of his mask….BTW he doesn’t even take his mask off once at all…so anyways after the heros get captured…..there kids team up…..I honestly forget there names…..but I think ill stop for a moment and give some praise to this film….I enjoyed that Sharkboy and Lavagirl appear in this film…since I have a soft spot for that film….and the kid actors are not annoying….surprisingly……….get it because he did something related to that in Sharkboy and Lavagirl film….so anyways main characters get onto the alien ship…oh side note…there’s some Trump related jokes in this film….there’s 3 jokes in this film thats taking a jab at the president that is in this film…one scene a kid says “how did this guy get elected for president? He can’t even read ” 🤣…then there is a scene at the end where one of the superheroes say “hey Mr president i just want to say for the record…I did not vote for u” 🤣… um near end of film we find out that the president and the woman in charge of the heros and the girl with the iPad…are aliens….yep…and the only way we see there aliens is them having purple tentacles coming from there butts…..or lower backs…..I kid u not…..also if ur wondering how our kid characters found out this kid was an alien spy…well its because they say a drawing she done on her pad of her with tentacles……im not making that up thats a line that’s said in this film…Jesus christ this film is just bizarre…but not as bizarre….so it turns out the aliens were just wanting to train the kids to overthrow there parents so they can become the new wave of heros… basically passing on the torch to new generation…ok good idea…but um did it really require them to kidnap these kids families then threaten humanity?…just saying….so anyways happy ending…hurray….honestly what do u expect this is a film meant for kids bur I won’t deny i had some fun watching this….I was glad to see Sharkboy and Lavagirl appear in this film….and it was nice seeing Pedro Pascal in this film…just realized this is the fourth thing I’ve seen him in… of thrones, Mandalorian, wonder woman 1984, and now this…..BTW I seen game of thrones and wonder woman 2 and Mandalorian last year….oh and including this film I’m talking about…so I saw 2 shows and 2 films in 2020 that had Pedro Pascal in them…..nice
…..I will overall recommend this and Sharkboy and Lavagirl to young kids…and ill give this film a solid 7/10