Friendship & Leadership

Through unique learning opportunities, we create and foster a warm and natural environment for growing friendships!

  • Kids Who Care Workshops
    You’re never too young to give back to your community! Helping others is always worthwhile — especially during the formative years of middle school! This program’s unique and fun activities benefit everyone. For members in 6th & 7th grade.
  • Training Tracks
    Looking to further your knowledge and wisdom through FC? Training Tracks courses focus on learning and sharing with others. Teens will walk away with the skills to lead in communities of all abilities! Workshops include the following topics: “The History of the Disability Rights Movement,” “Understanding Human Diversity,” and “Advocacy.” For Teen Scene (8-12th graders) & FOTT (ages 18+).
  • Teen Workshops
    These workshops focus on topics that align directly with FC’s mission! Join all of Teen Scene to experience and learn about your role as a Teen Scene member of The Friendship Circle! For Teen Scene (8th-12th graders).

Learning about Friendship and Leadership
Joining a Host Committee Be a part of the planning process! Members in Teen Scene (8th-12th graders) and FOTT (ages 18+) are encouraged to join a Host Committee for a FC club or program in which they will participate in the planning, executing and review of that event. Email [email protected] for host committee opportunities.


Go back to Programs Overview!


Friendship Circle Tribute Book

Look through our 2022 and 2023  Friendship Circle memories and see what we have been up to!

Tribute Book 2023

Friendship Circle Tribute Book 2023

Recent blog posts

The Pits!

This week’s Parsha (Vayeishev) continues the drama between Joseph and his brothers. Joseph was his father’s favorite which instilled jealousy among his brothers (shocker), culminating in their desire to kill, then ultimately scheme to fake his death and sell him to slavery in Egypt. We learn how they plotted to kill him until Reuben, the oldest of the brothers, convinces… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: December 20, 2024

Teen Challah Bake Teens from The Friendship Circle, The Beacon, The Second Floor at the JCC, BBYO, and NCSY gathered last Thursday night for our annual Teen Challah Bake event! Teens enjoyed playing get-to-know-you bingo and getting their hands dirty making the dough. Don’t worry – we wore aprons! Everyone made two challot with their favorite toppings and enjoyed spending time with… Read More

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Another Committee?

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha (Vayishlach) concludes Jacob’s time with his “dear” brother-in-law Laban, having amassed a large family, cattle, wealth and an overall sense of maturity. The portion begins with Jacob meeting his brother Esau for the first time since fleeing him two Parshas ago; he’s heard that Esau is bringing 400 soldiers to… Read More

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