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Categories: Eikev, Parsha

Art by Sefira Lightstone


This week’s a Parsha (Eikev) continues Moses’s recounting of his leadership of the Jewish People. Moses recalls some of the difficult times, as well as the good ones. One new item mentioned in this week’s portion is the second paragraph of the Shema.(The first part of the prayer was taught last week.) Interestingly, these paragraphs have tremendous significance in Judaism—traditionally they are said twice or three times a day and, even more importantly, while one is on his or her death bed.
The Shema commands us to impart a G-dly message to our children in our everyday lives—to wear it as a reminder on our heads and hands (the Tefillin) and when we leave and return home (the Mezuzah). The second paragraph – shared in this week’s portion – seems to repeat many of these reminders with only subtle differences. Instead of a reminder on “your hand,” it says “your hands.” Where last week it said “in your heart,” this week it’s “in your hearts”; “your children” is changed to “all of your children,” and so on. Why the change? This being such a prominent prayer, wouldn’t it be beneficial to keep it concise and not appear to repeat it? And if we are repeating for effect, why the subtle change?
The answer is a lesson for us all.
Yes, there is tremendous importance in Judaism for community. We each have a responsibility for one another in a way that ensures that our entire community is cared for properly. And yet, it all starts with the individual. If we neglect one person because we are too focused on the needs of the congregation, or the community, we are missing the point entirely. There is a story told of the Alter Rebbe, the founder of the Chabad movement, a brilliant and gifted leader, who was in the midst of Shabbat prayers with his disciples. Suddenly he removed his prayer shawl; he went to the edge of town to assist a poor woman was giving birth. Could he have sent someone? Sure. But as a leader, he knew his role involved more than being a leading figure in the Jewish community; his obligations began with meeting the needs of an individual who needed help. So let us keep that in mind. We must commit ourselves to actions and ideas that will change our world for the better, but we must begin by helping the individual next door. Good Shabbos!

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