Movie Reviews – The Mighty Ducks Trilogy

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

The Mighty Ducks: do ladies and gentlemen I’ve been wanting to get around to reviewing these 3 films……im glad I’m finally getting around to doing it…..also there’s a reason I picked today on Friday March 5th……its because in 21 days there’s gonna be a sequel TV series called The Mighty Ducks Game Changers……ill post a link to that trailer in my review in the third film review……so let’s get started…..I also want to point out if some of u don’t know this film……its a sports comedy drama film….to be precise a hockey comedy drama film…..yes I usually font like sports or hockey…..but my god i really love these 3 films….well not the third one…..let me rephrase that….I love the first 2… with that out of the way let’s get onto the review…

• so the plot is we see a guy named Gordon Bombay (played by Emilio Estevez) is a lawyer……a lawyer who doesn’t like kids…..oh and he use to like hockey….emphasis on the word use to….he did once as a kid…but ill get to that later….anyways one day he ends up drinking and driving…..keep in mind this is a kids film……he gets sent to community service…..his service he needs to do is couch a peewee hockey team….a group of kids to be precise……now I don’t remember all the kids names but the ones I remember are
Anyway first scene we see of Gordon Bombay meeting the kids is well of them doing hockey on ice and he has….I kid u not….his limo driver drive them both onto the ice and greet them….😑🤣🤨…..endangering urself I see… I really like the way he introduces himself….he says “hey my name is Gordon Bombay.. im ur new couch….and I hate kids and hockey”……🤣🤣…yeah such a great way to introduce ur self to the kids u will be coaching….just say u hate kids . .oh and this scene ends with all the kids getting into the limo with Gordon…and they all drown and die… what logic would say…but remember this is Disney…….frick logic… they don’t drown or anything…..but Charlie’s mother comes onto the ice and is pissed at Bombay for endangering kids lives……well no shite….I would not blame her as well……so since I don’t want to tell u guys every scene…lets just mention the important parts……so Gordon Bombay starts training the kids …problem is they suck……and he has little to no patience with kids……so of course he does get frustrated at them at first….oh and we also get introduced to our bad guy….named Riley…..he was Gordon’s old coach….which if u think about it makes no sense….we see in the back flash he’s the same age as he is now…but Gordon grew up… either Disney or the director could care less about continuity….or they just said frick it…this is a film lets do whatever……oh side note for some reason Disney makes the rival teams in these 3 films….A$$ holes…..don’t know why….I mean realistically….not every rival team are bad guys…I think its the simplest and easiest way to get the audience to hate him….so anyways we find out that Gordon stopped doing hockey because when he was a kid and coached under coach Riley…me was taught that no point in playing if u can’t win….BTW bad morals to teach a kid……oh and if ur wondering if Bombay wins the game for them…nope he misses the net… he now hates hockey…..maybe thats understandable… also in this film we get introduced to a mentor of Bombay named Hans…..and my I say he’s great….although he barely has an screen time….but when he does …he sees up the scenery…as in he’s funny……he is basically the Yoda to if Bombay was Luke…..he convinces Bombay he should coach the kids because he use to like hockey….he does agree…do u see where this leads…to…the main character hates something or someone but then learns to like it and them because he secretly enjoys doing it…..anyways also in this film we have the bullies who pick on our main kids…..coincidentally those 3 bullies are apart of the rival team…the Hawks…..because…again rival teams in this film series must be this much of an A$$ holes to qualify in tournament…..🤣🤣…..anyways while they get picked on by the bullies in a ally way….a student named Fulton…comes and helps them…BTW he is taller then them….right lets get to his character……Bombay recruit Fulton on to their team….if ur asking why…well its because one day he has his limo driver ride him around and hockey puck hits his window…and he sees who did it…and somehow he’s impressed……well ill be dammed….maybe next time I should break someone’s windows on there car…maybe that person will hire me…….that or ill end up being have to pay for his car….so anyways the problem is Fulton can’t skate….so Bombay teaches Fulton…by having him and his team Roller skate in a mall……and what do u think happens?….of course crazy slapstick comedy happens….Fulton can barley stand on his feet on roller skates……🤣🤣….I always cracks up watching this scene……do skipping a bit……they get sponsored….there new logo is the Mighty Ducks……hey….hey thats the name of the title….derp….so anyways later in this film….Bombay decides to recruit a boy from the Hawk team named Adam Banks…..why does he want a Hawk on his team?….idk im starting to think he is trying to get back at Riley….along Banks is Riley best student… yeah…….so without a saying Adam Banks is added to the Ducks…….there’s some drama in the middle of this film….Bombay group overhears him calling them loosers…which makes them wanna quite……understandable…..….oh also Bombay almost considers stop teaching hockey….because half of his team stopped showing up…so now Charlie is upset….oh don’t worry this all gets fixed….next day Bombay is called into his ex boss….he and Riley came up with a deal to have Banks be re added to the Hawks…..but Bombay refuses to….which leads to his boss firing him from his layer job….BTW I love this scene….just hear this….” thanks u Mr Duckworth….thanks u very much Mr Duckworth….quack quack quack quack mt Duckworth…quack quack quack”….”Gordon,  stop quacking!”……🤣🤣🤣🤣……God this scene makes me laugh……so Gordon gets his team back…..they practice…..blah blah….also Gordon and Charlie’s mother hit it off and start dating…. so anyways now into the third  act we see a montage of our team winning against other teams….but then we get into the final showdown… coach Bombay against coach Riley…. honestly I have no way of describing the ending….its just 15 min of hockey playing happens…with tension. …also Riley asks one of his men to injure banks. …..because don’t u get it…Riley is a cheater……he has his student slam banks into the metal part of the net…..yikes…..which does injure him….he gets sent to the hospital ……well now Riley has to lose or else …..good news is he does lose……during the final goal. That they needed to make to win……which ends up being on Charlie… do……I do like the pep talk Gordon gives him before….he said if u lose….doesn’t matter what matters is we came out here to have fun… see thats food morals…..unlike dumb Riley…..pffff…..anyways so Charlie ends up scoring….the Mighty ducks win and dumb dumb Riley and his men lose ….woo-hoo. …anyways film ends with Gordon going in a bus heading to a hockey tournament he agreed to be apart of…..and he does say to his students oh see u all next spring…got a game to win …….and thats it…..I freaking love this film…..I highly recommend  it…..all 3 are on Disney  plus….im gonna give this film a solid 10/10
The Mighty Ducks 2: so im gonna start off with saying this is my favorite of the Mighty Ducks films…..its funnier….and we get introduced to new characters… anyways let’s get onto the review…
• so in the beginning of this film we see Bombay in that hockey tournament….and what we see is he gets his leg injured…..a rival team mate hits his leg hard with a hockey stick…..jesus… now he has a injured leg….so he heads back home……and well he decides to work and help out Hans out at the ice rink he works at……oh and apparently Charlie is working there as well…..which does lead to my favorite line from Hans…..” for breakfast my specialty, Jans HasenPeffer eggs”…..ill always remember that line…….so anyways that day also a guy named Mr Tibbles….comes and offers Gordon an offer for his team and him to go up against other players… he accepts…..basically he wants to promote Gordon so he can get known…….remember that for later….because it kinds gets to Gordon’s head….so he gathers up the Ducks…by taking a duck whistle to get Charlie’s attention….where he’s in his room….then Charlie goes around on skates with the whistle…to recruit the rest of the team…who are all doing different stuff….Goldberg is working at his parents bakery…..Banks is at home……Averman is trying to kiss a girl…..and Fulton deals with the 3 Hawk bullies who are trying to attack the ducks…..guys get a life!…..I do like this scene where these 3 Hawks are hiding behind a tree and tied rope across 2 trees to have them fall over on the floor…..but Fulton comes up behind them and says
“Hi guys”………🤣🤣……….um hey yo u three…..I don’t know if u know this but….uh hm….ur fricked….thought I’d tell u … anyways let’s skip a bit……Mr Tiddles takes them to the ice rink and  introduce them to new kids all around from the US they need to recruit
Luis Mendoza (he’s a great skater…only problem is he has no idea how to stop skating….no I mean he doesn’t know how to…he just crashes….🤦‍♂️)
Dwayne Robertson ( he’s from Austin…and he has a southern accent….who don’t worry the Ducks make fun off because….also he wears a cowboy hat….also he’s good at shooting a puck……)
Julie ( she’s a great goalie)
Ken Wu (he’s um…ah figure skater…….and thats it….he’s a figure skater…thats all to this character…and now he’s a hockey player…..don’t ask)
Dean Portman (he’s a punk…..he’s a teenager who is a punk…..he also acts tough…..and thats it to his character….he’s a punk teenager with hormones….who’s tough…..oh and him and Fulton do become friends..)
So with new people….they now need to train…..oh and there’s this running gag in these films where if thr group smell something bad they always say ugh Goldberg!..but I do like this line….heheheh
Group: whats that smell….(sniff, sniff)…ugh Goldberg!
Goldberg: what it wasn’t me
Dean Portman: no…it was me!
Group: ughhh!!
Hahahahahah 🤣🤣🤣
…oh and I forgot during this training scene….Mr Tibbles leaves and comes back with there substitute teacher Ms Michelle……..yeah thats it to her character….she’s the tutor….the school tutor…..oh and Mr Tibbles gets hit in the head sigh a puck and when he wakes up I just love his reaction…..” oh ill have the cheeseburger with fries and chocolate shake plz” …….hahahah so skipping a bit they start training……there no longer the ducks…now there team USA….boring…..and they meet the villain mr Stansson….aka Stansson the dentist… he’s not a dentist….reason he’s called dentist….is because he apparently get this….have knocked out alot of people’s teeth including his own coaches teeth…..jeeeez….so yeah…..Stansson the dentist…..seriously can no rival team on these films be decent?….do they have to be oh im bad guy so we must be rival team….uh doy!!… anyways while the USA team train……Gordon gets rich because he gets payed……and gets  Advertisements made of him….he’s also given a expensive house….oh don’t worry he only let’s the power get to his head….he ends up pushing the Ducks ….oh sorry my bad USA…to the point of exhaustion….oh if ur wondering does he learn his ways?…yes….but not until Hans comes out and gives him a pep talk….so anyways this leads Gordon to realize he’s become greedy…so he takes his students to a barrel outside and with a cut out of him and I love this scene as well……”this is a barrel…..this is a distraction….(tosses lighter in barrel)….(places cut out in barrel)….this is a distraction in a fire in barrel….any questions?”…………….hahahahahahahahha 🤣🤣🤣….that line always for some reason cracks me up … with this out of the way they go on the rink to have some fun with a beach ball….but of course Stansson the dentist and his group come in and grab the ball and deflate it….because there evil…..he wants them to leave so they can train….they don’t want to…so him and Bombay play a small game…whoever wins gets to stay there…so Stansson and Bombay play a game of hockey… it seems like Bombay is about to win….Stansson cheats by hitting Bombay in his bad leg with a hockey stick……because…bad guy…..So he must cheat……so now into the thir act…..we get a hockey game….but this time the Ducks are loosing….until on there mid break Hans comes in the back room and gives them all new jerseys……which are updated Duck jerseys….now there Duck jerseys look like the real life version of them… now with there new jerseys and some confidence…..oh and banks returns…..forget to mention banks in this film had a broken wrist….so he kinda isn’t seen much in this film…….but now he’s back……so anyways now the ducks are winning….well also because they have Charlie cresting the layout of plan to win….so with all of this there now winning……and u all know how this ends…..the ducks win…..and Stansson and his group loose…..but luckily his group have the  Courtesy to go and hand shake the ducks and congratulation them…….Stansson does end up doing that as well…..because…..polite? 🤷‍♂️……so yeah film ends……with them sitting around a campfire singing we are the champions……the end…..honestly I really love this film…..its a great film in this series…… oh boy let’s get onto the third film review……i recommend this film….its on Disney plus… gonna give this film a solid 10/10
The Mighty Ducks 3: oh boy here we go guys now onto my least favorite Mighty Ducks film…….lets get into it….
• so in this film Gordon Bombay is no longer the coach….thats right he’s leaving his team at a college because there now older….and he got offered a job as coach for other team……so right off the bat….Bombay is not in this film…he only appears for 4 to 5 short scenes……😑😑😑…..wonderful… anyways they get sent to collage…this time around the villains is the collage, they don’t want the ducks there…because the students there are snobby and respected and blah blah and the better hockey team…..Jesus lord…can’t there be nice rival teams…is that to much to ask?….so yeah the collage doesn’t want them there….thats the conflict….in fact majority of this film is of the snobby students making fun of the Ducks……oh BTW there’s a new coach this time named coach Orion….and he’s a dick….he is rude and blah blah blah… harsh….on top of that he takes away role of captain from Charlie…..oh BTW he also tells them there no longer Ducks…there team USA…..oh joy…….so yeah great more tension….😑….because thats what we needed……hurray?…….oh and Charlie and Fulton quite…….wonderful… Charlie goes and visits Hans….he gives him advice he tries to tell him to grow up…..oh BTW this is the last time they both talk….ill get to that in a bit……so anyways Charlie and Fulton go to the carnival and has fun…but Fulton wants to go back to hockey…..but Charlie doesn’t want to go back to school or hockey……
Ehhhh…..and oh yeah when Charlie gets home he finds out…..Hans passed away…..😐😐😐😐……I am not gonna make a joke for this…..because this is sad… yeah Hans passed away……so is it clear why I hate this film… Gordon,  Hans dies, snobby villains/school,  and bad hockey teacher……all equals up to why should I be giving 2 fricks about this film… anyways a funeral happens….Gordon comes to it….whats this his second appearance in this film?…🤨……so anyways next day Gordon (oh looks its his third appearance…count ur blessings)…..wants to show Charlie who the real Orion is……turns out he has a daughter who is paralyzed legs down….so thats why he’s a grump……ok I have no problem with that because its understandable….but then why all a sudden in the end of the second act and throughout the third act he randomly acts nice?… because film wants him to…because it feels like this personality came out of nowhere……do anyways now Orion is nice……the school wants to ban the ducks from school because…bad guys must do bad guy stuff… now there on school trial…and Bombay comes and defends the Ducks……oh look it’s his fourth appearance……oh joy…… anyways Gordon succeeds to keep them in school……but they still don’t think the Ducks will win the hockey tournament…….so now its the third act….Orion gives his team back there duck jerseys…….yahhhhhh… anyways in the third act they go up against the rival team……the Ducks start losing…..but all a sudden Gordon gets Dean Portman to come back by giving him a way into college….I forget how……so now he’s back….does he help out long…nope…he gets benched….wonderful……but in the end the rival team wins and the Ducks lose and go home in shame…………errrrrrr wrong!!!…what do u think happens….of course the Ducks win…..there the main team of these films… anyways Ducks win…..everything is good….and Bombay shows up for the finale time….in the audience….and somehow gets a giant flag of the Ducks to unfold when they win…….what is Bombay in this film…freaking Gandhi?……so film ends with everyone happy and Bombay walking away….now film done…and the credits role and we see a short brief scene a clip from the end of Mighty Ducks 1……the end…..overall wasn’t a huge fan….but I don’t hate it….its on Disney plus…I’m gonna give this film a solid 5/10
• now there’s a reason why I’m reviewing these now…its because on Friday March 26th there bringing the Mighty Ducks back in the form of a TV show called The Mighty Ducks Game Changers….first episode airs on the 26th….there’s gonna be 10 episodes…1 episode per week….and the premise for this show is the Mighty Ducks are the rival team this time….a new group of kids try to get Gordon Bombay to help them create their own team to go up against the Ducks……sadly Bombay is working at ice rink and hates hockey and kids…..go figures…..honestly I’m intrigued….the Mighty Ducks are the bad guys this time….thats different….here’s the trailers….stay tuned for my reviews on all 10 episodes
Honestly I’m excited……I hope u all enjoyed my reviews on this series……see yah next time….

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