Movie Review – Tom and Jerry

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Tom and Jerry:  so this movie is bizzare…..its um well not exactly good but it aint the worst thing I’ve seen……where to even begin….for a film about Tom and Jerry….there’s barely any scenes of them fighting… this 90 min film they have about 12 to 15 min of them fighting….😑😑…..oh joy……here’s the trailer…..side note let me give u an example of what kinda film this is…..the film opens up with singing raping animated pigeons……..thats right u heard me correctly…..singing raping animated pigeons…….yeah its one of those films…..oh don’t worry u will only need to see these abominations on screen three more times….they show up to recap what’s happend….don’t know why….when the audience has eyes, and can see whats been happening……sigh……..

So anyways the plot is we see our main character named Kayla….she’s played by Chloe Grace Mortez….she gets fired from her fashion job….now she tries getting a job at a hotel in New York………a weeding is happening there soon and everything needs to be perfect…but one day a mouse named Jerry comes and takes residence….so she hires Tom the cat to get rid of Jerry…….and thats the plot… seriously… let me get into what I didn’t exactly like or found cringe… first off our main character is not likable….when she first tried getting a job at the hotel…here’s how she does it…she goes there and sees someone else trying to get the job…she convinces this woman to not get a job there and trick her into giving her over the resume….so now Kayla uses that not her resume and pretends to be that woman…even steel that woman’s name…just to get a job at the hotel….😑😑…..our hero ladies and gentlemen…..also such a great message to teach kids….if u want stuff in life….u should lie and cheat…..😐🤨…..yeah such great morals to teach kids…..pffff…..oh also at one point in this film….Tom does the floss…..🤦‍♂️…..sighhh…..I never liked that dance….its just cringe inducing……I don’t understand why that dance is so popular… anyways I should also point out the bizzare comedy…..I mean early on in the film….Kayla manager says I should tell u the stress of how important this situation is…..that mouse can’t get posted onto insta-book-face or the ticky toke……..🤣🤣🤦‍♂️…….and then there’s my least favorite joke……at one point …remember how I said this movie is about a wedding is happening….well the rich husband gets his soon to be wife a expensive skate board that has wifi….she asks why does a skateboard have wifi….and his answer was….and I kid u not…….why the Fi not?……🤦‍♂️…..why…..the……fi…….not?……oh dear lord thats the level of comedy were at with this film…… hahahahahahahahha……but seriously though…..thats basically this film…..a wedding is happening…..majority of the film is humans talking and or doing something…..about 15 min is of Tom and Jerry fighting…..again this is a 90 min film….and the films called Tom and Jerry…..yes they only fight for 15 min…..oh joy……if ur wondering what the other scenes of this film are…well its of thr married couple getting ready for wedding, its of Kayla talking to the brideans helping her find a missing ring…or put on a dress so the bride can see how gorgeous it is….oh and Micheal Pena….either making some sort of a fool of himself by not being funny, or being dragged off screen so the film. Can focus on Chloe….seriously?….hey add a comedy actor from antman if ur not gonna use him correctly….or barley at all?..
…and also again……how am I supposed to care about the main character if she’s unlikable?….I mean she does learn her lesson, but seriously though she swindled her way into a job…and lied about who she is….so why should we the audience care about this person?…..sighh……honestly if some of u still want to watch this film…..its on HBO Max till March 28th………maybe give it a watch?……if any of u have kids…just turn it on for them….it will probably distract them for 90 min……im gonna give this film a solid 4.8/10….honestly I’d more recommend u go watch the cartoon…..its way better….thats also on HBO Max…..

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