Just Like Starting Over

Categories: Bereishit, Bereishit, Parsha

Art by Rivka Korf Studio


There is so much to write about on this conclusion of Sukkot. We had some wonderful times thus far and look forward to more as Shemini Ateret begins, followed by Simchat Torah and then Shabbat. Simchat Torah, the final day of the holiday, when we rejoice with the Torah (it literally means just that) is observed on Friday. There are some powerful lessons in the celebrations of these days but I’d like to focus on just one. We conclude the Torah, reading the final portion on Friday, and immediately proceed to begin the first Parsha of the Torah, Bereishit, which is read in full on Shabbat. As in, right back to square one. Can’t we just take a moment and enjoy? We concluded the Torah; it took us a year, definitely a difficult one, but we did it. And that’s all we can do is begin again? Yes. Yes, that’s exactly the point. We are meant to learn a pivotal lesson from this: We must never be satisfied. We’ve accomplished a great deal but it is our duty to dive right back into it and begin again. You’ve studied it already? Surely there are deeper lessons and ways that the Torah can resonate with you differently, either in new lessons or in new appreciation for old ones. Oh, I almost forgot to add that sometimes we just plain forget from year to year. (Full disclosure, I’ve actually just reused a previous thought at this time to prove my point!) Whatever the case, none of us has the luxury to simply conclude. We must move forward immediately – even on the same day – and continue our individual and collective quest for a better world. May we all continue to fulfill our missions and may we rejoice in doing so! Good Shabbos, Happy Sukkot and have a joyous Simchas Torah!

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