Home Alone

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Home Alone: ok so the plot of this film is that this kid (i forget his name) gets left behind by his parents when they all head to the airport on vacation…and he has the whole house to himself…but then when these 2 prisoners start trying to rob his home he has to protect it…by well setting up traps in his home…and thats the plot of this movie in a nutshell….but seriously that’s it…and this film. Has alot of funny moments that will make u laugh out loud…even the crooks are not the brightest

…I mean they get outsmarted by a 10 year old….also half the traps he lays out would well kill them but this is a movie so yeah….and this is a great Christmas movie to watch…..its my favorite…and its on Disney plus incase some of u haven’t watched the film…ill give this film a 10/10




Home Alone 2 lost in New York:  so the plot of this film is…..the same kid and his family go on vacation but this time he gets stranded in New York by himself….and the exact same 2 crooks from the first movie are back in this film and they escaped from prison and want to rob a kids store of its money….and while that’s going on….the kid (I ain’t checking his name) and he’s enjoying the hotel he staying in…and the manager is played by …wait….Tim Curry….the heck…yeah thats right the actor who played pennywise in the IT Miniseries is playing a manager…..woo-hoo….so anyways he is the only one suspicious of the kid because he keeps telling him that his dad is there with him but he’s never seen with his dad….so yeah…oh and don’t worry he spends hundreds of dollars on stuff….with his dads credit card….ooofff….so anyways he later on finds out those 2 crooks want to steel from the toy store…so he must stop them by placing some traps…and his traps are….throwing bricks at there foreheads from off the top of a tall building….Jesus christ kid….what u went from creative playful traps…to attempted murder….because that would kill anyone…but don’t worry it doesn’t…because this is a film….so the film ends basically the same way as the first one…crooks get caught and arrested and then the kid and his parents reunite…the end…..this film literally just has a cookie cutter plot….its like they copied and pasted the exact same plot from the first film

..but still I enjoy this film…im gonna give it a 8.9/10

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