Get Happy

Categories: Parsha, V'Zot HaBerachah


In what can arguably be described as the quickest, most emotionally pinballing four days on the Jewish calendar (I’ve spoken about the five days between Tisha B’av and Tu B’av – the saddest and then a most joyful day during the summer, but that fifth day gives us an extra day of transition), we move from Yom Kippur to Sukkot. In fact, from the evening following Yom Kippur, our rabbis tell us that we are meant to begin preparation for the Sukkah. It is not a gradual transition from fasting, solemnity and prayer to joy, celebration and food and drink, rather it happens immediately. Honestly, it’s a lot! We are in one frame of mind and in a matter of minutes, we are meant to change course completely. But that’s the whole Jewish point: Sukkot represents a unique spontaneous pivot.  Sukkot has a way of breaking boundaries in a way that the High Holy Days, regardless of their deep solemnity, can’t accomplish, because Sukkot is about joy and joy can break all boundaries. Follow the trajectory: We begin by “Crowning G-d as King,” and  then ask for “His sealing us in the Book of Life,” but what does all that lead up to? What does G-d really want? That we have loving and meaningful encounters with one another, aka Sukkot. The High Holidays begin with the Shofar, which represents the common voice within each of us, then proceed to Yom Kippur, when we ask G-d to grant us another year to improve ourselves, but how best do we accomplish that? Most immediately, it’s by celebrating with others in the Sukkah! On Sukkot, when we all just eat or drink in the Sukkah, all barriers between us are removed. I may be more knowledgeable in the laws of Shofar and you may pray with gusto and fervor on Yom Kippur, but comes Sukkot and we all “dwell” in it the same way! Toward this global goal, let us eat, drink and be merry, and remember—it matters not at all any superficial differences between us. May Sukkot bring us a year of only health and happiness and true peace. Chag Sameach and an early Shabbat Shalom!

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