February “Pop-Up” Bakery

In February 2020, we introduced an exciting project designed to pilot new employment opportunities for our adult members. Through the FC Popup Bakery, members were trained in various baking roles and worked together to fill orders from the community. Eleven of our adult members participated as bakers and received training in a number of baking roles by a local baker and partner, Tammy Berkowitz. Our bakers worked in the kitchen, packaged the baked goods, and sold bakery items to the community. We welcomed 15 community volunteers who also worked in the bakery, and overall, we sold 350 cookies! It was a fantastic pilot year and one we are excited to replicate.

Friendship Circle Tribute Book

Look through our 2022 and 2023  Friendship Circle memories and see what we have been up to!

Tribute Book 2023

Friendship Circle Tribute Book 2023

Recent blog posts

I’ve Got Nothing

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY So, this week I’m in a bit of a conundrum. There is lots going on from a Jewish perspective (we conclude the Book of Exodus, we are almost exactly between Purim and Pesach) but the Parsha – Pekudei – is pretty repetitious. Moses is commanded by G-d to build the Tabernacle a few… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: March 28, 2025

Teen Shabbat Dinner Teen Friendship Shabbat was a huge success! This month, we took a trip to the Tuscan countryside—right from our Shabbat table. Friends gathered to enjoy a delicious Italian-inspired meal, great conversation, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. It was the perfect way to end the week, surrounded by friendship, laughter, and incredible food. We can’t wait for the… Read More

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How it Started Vs. How it’s Going

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha (Vayakhel) tells of the artisans, the expert craftsmen who produced the Mishkan, the Tabernacle where the Jewish people served G-d in the desert. What is most interesting to note is how little this differs from the previous portions where G-d commands it to Moses and Moses conveys to the Jewish… Read More

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