FC Activity Report: 6/18/2020

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

On June 17th, 2020, at 1 PM, I signed on to Zoom for a video chat session involving a ‘Jeopardy’ game. As usual, the session started off with the rules of respect review, which was followed by people introducing themselves (most likely for newcomers’ benefit) and saying how long they had been part of Friendship Circle. Then, they began what they called a ‘Jeopardy’ game, which was more like a general trivia quiz game in how it was played.


I noticed some people seemed to have trouble remembering to unmute, and hopefully, there’s a way to remedy that. On the other hand, I was caught off guard by the format of the game, since the players were given questions and had to provide answers. The TV version of Jeopardy, which I happen to enjoy, requires players to give their response in the form of a question—for example, a clue could read “this is the street where Friendship Circle is located,” and the correct response would be “what is Murray Avenue?” But FC did their best to accommodate the skill level of the players, and having the categories focus on FC itself, which may not necessarily have been something the players would be experts in, but did fit with their overall mission of Friendship Circle. In any event, you might enjoy this if you enjoy game shows and/or trivia games.

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