Commemorate the Future?!

Categories: Acharei, Parsha

Art by Sefira Lightstone

Tonight begins the Shabbat of Passover. These are days which commemorate the splitting of the Sea of Reeds (being approximately a week after the Jewish people were freed) as well as celebrate – strangely, in anticipation of- the future Redemption. Much is discussed about what “the Redemption” means and people tend to have a negative connotation of it, largely due to fear of the unknown. But I’d like to take a page from Maimonides’ description of what it involves. Maimonides tells us that the future Redemption will be a time in which we will see the true purpose of creation. We will see why things happen the way they happen and know that which is – until that point – unknown. There is certainly so much in the world today that simply makes no sense. War, discord, strife, bickering, death and illness—and, as always, antisemitism—which all cause us to ask the question: Why? And as to the question, how this can happen “in the blink of an eye?” Just how fast did it take for September 11th to change our lives? How about the world shutting down on March 15, 2020? Or a new normal in our Pittsburgh Jewish community after October 27, 2018 or in the Jewish world after October 7? We have to trust that these instances can take place for the better just as easily.
It is an auspicious time for us to celebrate and dedicate ourselves with hope for the days when we will have the answers we are looking for, when a God-ly vision will be available to all. Have a wonderful rest of Passover and a good Shabbos!

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