Skin in the Game

Categories: Vayechi

This week’s Parsha – Vayechi – concludes the Book of Genesis, the first of the “Five Books of Moses.” Traditionally, at the end of each book, the synagogue calls out in unison, “Chazak chazak venischazek!” Which means “Be strong, be strong and may we be strengthened,” thus giving us a little inspiration and charge to move on into the next… Read More

A Song of Ice and Fire

Categories: Va'eira

This week’s Parsha – Va’era – is chock full of lessons. It contains the beginning of the Ten Plagues of Egypt and the beginning of the end of slavery. It always seems like it was G-d testing a variety of tortures against these slave drivers and was throwing things against the wall to see what would stick and eventually get… Read More

Like Manna From Heaven

Categories: Beshalach, Parsha

This week’s Parsha, Beshalach, tells of the Jewish people leaving Egypt and crossing the Sea. It also begins to tell us of their journey in the desert. Obviously, their time in the desert was a significant one; it is the time period that takes up most of the Torah. The Jewish people were sustained throughout their travels by Manna, the… Read More

And You Shall Live

Categories: Chayei Sarah, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY No amount of Rabbinical School training prepares you for a week like this past one. The amount of numbness, emotions, sadness, love, shock, awe, mourning, and support has been overwhelming for many and the days ahead will likely prove to be overwhelming as well. In truth, I should leave it this week saying… Read More

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Friendship Circle Tribute Book

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Tribute Book 2023

Friendship Circle Tribute Book 2023

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Grow Up!

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY I know I’ve discussed this before but it’s a lesson worth repeating. This week’s Parsha, Ki Teitzei, contains 74 commandments—huge number! There are many and they span a vast number of topics but I will mention one that contains a profound life lesson. There is a commandment that if you build a house… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: September 13, 2024

Welcome Back Apple Picking Apple Picking was a blast and a great way to start off our 2024-2025 Program Year! Garret loved the tire playground and racing down on the slides. Morgan and Kofi found some of the prettiest apples in the Orchard, and Trio enjoyed the hayride. We had a wonderful lunch in the pavilion and brought in the… Read More

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You, Yes, You!

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha continues Moses’s parting message to the Jewish people. Shoftim means “judges,” referring to, as Moses reiterates, those appointed to carry out the principle of “Justice, justice you shall pursue.” Moses then continues to reiterate various laws, including one at the end of the Parsha called the “Eglah Arufa.” It refers… Read More

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