Practically Perfect

Categories: Mishpatim, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY Every Parsha has its theme. This week’s Parsha, Mishpatim, has loads of commandments—53 in total—and is therefore called “Mishpatim,” which literally means “judgments.” This word typically refers to specific commandments, as Mitzvot are broken up into three categories. “Edut” are testimonials, those we wouldn’t necessarily have considered in establishing a society, but which… Read More

Free Advice!

Categories: Parsha, Yitro

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY There is a well-known Yiddish phrase that goes, “a gast oif a vayil zet far a mayil,” this translates to, (and never well because somehow it doesn’t have the same ring in English): a guest for a bit can see for a mile. This week’s Parsha (Yitro) is named after Moses’s father-in-law. Who… Read More

We Get What We Get…

Categories: Beshalach, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha, Beshalach, tells of the Jewish people leaving Egypt and crossing the Sea. It also begins to tell us of their journey in the desert. Obviously, their time in the desert was a special one; most of the Torah revolves around it. The Jewish people were sustained throughout their travels by… Read More


Categories: Bo, Friendship Circle, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY Ok, I’ll admit, this week’s Parsha (Bo) is a favorite of mine. It contains the last three Plagues to befall the Egyptians and then begins detailing the Jewish People’s liberation from Egypt. Certainly monumental in that this was the moment this band of slaves and vagabonds became a true nation with a free… Read More

Super Human

Categories: Parsha, Va'eira

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY So Moses returns to Egypt as commanded by G-d in last week’s Parsha; he continues to fulfill his mission to redeem the Jewish people from slavery. But before we delve into that the Torah stops; it pauses and tells us the genealogy of the players at hand in this week’s Parsha (Va’era), namely… Read More

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You, Yes, You!

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha continues Moses’s parting message to the Jewish people. Shoftim means “judges,” referring to, as Moses reiterates, those appointed to carry out the principle of “Justice, justice you shall pursue.” Moses then continues to reiterate various laws, including one at the end of the Parsha called the “Eglah Arufa.” It refers… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: September 6, 2024

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Choices. Good or bad, right or wrong, so many choices. Why? Why can’t it be easier for us to make decisions just by looking at the facts and determining what’s right? Why is it that often those choices seem unclear? A bit of clarity that we’re doing the right thing shouldn’t be too much to ask! The Torah portion of… Read More

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