Have a Cow

Categories: Chukat, Parsha
Illustration of a shepherd silhouetted by a bright pink and blue sky, with rays of light shining down from the clouds

Art by Sefira Lightstone


In this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Chukas, we learn about the Red Heifer, the elusive “Red Cow,” which, without getting into too many details, has the ability through its slaughter to purify the otherwise ritually impure. It is fitting that this law take place in this Parsha; the name “Chukas” refers to the category of Mitzvot that are meant to be beyond our understanding. There are rational Mitzvot (Do Not Kill, Do Not Steal) and there are those which can be understood (Shabbat, Tzitzit). Then there are those mitzvot which, no matter how hard we look, there is no reason for them other than they are simply G-d’s command. This teaches us something about Jewish practice as well as life in general. There are things we can understand. There are happenings that come to be as an obvious result of the lead up. And then there are the unknowns. Things that take place which, try as we might, make absolutely no sense. But they too are a divine decree. Everything in life—things we like, things we dislike, things we understand, things we don’t understand—comes from G-d. Our job is to try to learn and grow from all of our life experiences, and to trust that we will eventually see the good God intended for us. This is the lesson of the Red Heifer—God is mysterious, but He’s also miraculous. And He always comes through. Good Shabbos!

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