Tough Love

Categories: Bechukotai, Parsha

Art by Sefira Lightstone


This week’s Parsha (Bechukotai) contains some difficult content. In it is something described as, “The Rebuke,” where Moses conveys what terrible events can transpire if the Jewish people do not follow in G-d’s ways. Suffice it to say that there are some pretty rough examples. So much so that we do not call anyone up for the reading of this part of the portion; instead, the Torah reader reads it in a quieter voice. What’s the deal? What’s this about? G-d showing us what is in His arsenal? For that matter, when bad things happen, is that just God’s way of just showing us who’s boss? It sure looks like it here!

Chassidic philosophy expounds on this a great deal and concludes that underneath all of these potential rebukes or curses, lies wonderful blessings. Yes, they are cleverly disguised but they’re under there. I heard an analogy of a child going to the doctor for a shot and trying to squirm away from what’s coming, but the mom holds her child down. She knows she must ensure he gets what he needs. And what does the child do immediately after losing this battle? He cuddles up in his mother’s arms, knowing that his mother wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. Shouldn’t he be seeing her as an accomplice to this crime? Of course not. He knows inherently that his mom is good and everything she does comes from a place of love. So too with the rebuke. Sure, we go through really difficult times and we usually don’t understand why, yet we must have faith that G-d is good and that there must be a divine plan. Until we know that plan we can certainly complain – I can guarantee that this child did – but still, deep down, let us trust that God knows what’s best for us and pray that we see the reason for everything very soon! Good Shabbos!

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