Mike Interviews Leighann

Categories: Friendship Circle

Mike Interviews Leighann

1. What did you do for New Year’s? How was it?

a. I went to dinner with my family, it was awesome. We had Italian food which I love.

2. What are your New Year’s Resolutions? How are they going?

a. My resolutions are not going well. I want to drink more water and I plan to exercise more. It’s never too late though!

3. If you could throw a New Year’s party who would you invite?

a. Anyone in the world? Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and their daughters! And of course my faves Sara Bareilles and Jason Mraz. And of course my friends and family.

4. What is your favorite way to spend New Year’s?

a. I just like being with my family. When we were younger we used to bang pots and pans too which I want to bring back.

5. Did you have any New Year’s Resolutions last year, and did you make them?

a. I don’t think I had any, but I definitely had a good year!

6. Do you have any pets?

a. I have a black cat and his name is Bram. He’s 5 years old.

7. Were you once nine years old, and what did you do when you were 9?

a. I was once nine, and when I was nine I was a singer and a dancer. I still do, but I was doing it all the way back then. I also loved playing softball.

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